We refurbish MAC computers. When a computer slows down a fresh install of the operating system can be the best course of action. For Mac users internet recovery is a common method for reinstalling, however it is not always straightforward. 

Its common that several upgrades need to be performed with no way to upgrade to latest version in one go. Usually the system needs to be upgraded 2 or 3 times to get it to the latest stable version. Check out our post regarding macbook data migration in Caulfield South

Internet recovery is a special built in tool to download and install a fresh operating system using wifi or network cable (no installation cd or usb required). In some instances a user will be required to log into their Apple account, but will receive an error stating “This item is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.”.

A common solution on the internet from 2017 and before was to access Safari from the help page and log into the Apple account through iCloud.com. Due to security risks the page is inaccessible from in 2019 from the version of Safari supplied. We bypass this issue by removing the storage disk  and installing from a different MacBook Pro that didn’t give the same error and then moving the storage disk back over. Check out our post regarding macbook pro os x reinstall and refurbishment

Once Lion is installed it should be upgraded to the most recent version of OS X that can be run for security reasons. For a 2011 MacBook Pro this is High Sierra 10.13.6. To upgrade to this version El Capitan 10.11 must be installed first, then High Sierra can be installed. Searching “get El Capitan” then “get High Sierra” on google will give explanations for this process.

We are experts in Apple Mac, MacBook and iMac repairs. Bring your computer in for a service and get it running better than ever by reinstalling the operating system and consider upgrading to an SSD for a huge upgrade in boot speed. A 2011 MacBook Pro is still relevant for most users. With a storage and memory upgrade it is working great and ready for use for years to come.